Sunday, October 1, 2017

 Spotlight on Maria Allusion

Syngonium podophyllum or the Arrowhead plant is a simple but elegant and versatile houseplant.  Syngonium can be grown easily as a compact bushy looking plant, or you can accept its creeping, climbing nature and grow it tall up a moss stick. Syngonium podophyllum is a species of aroid, and commonly cultivated as a houseplant. It is typically grown for its attractive ornamental foliage which changes shape as the leaves mature. Juvenile leaves (to 5.5” long) are ovate with heart-shaped bases and sometimes with silver variegation. Leaves mature to arrow shape. Later leaves become pedate (to 14” long), each with 5-11 leaflets. Tiny green to greenish-white flowers on a spadix are surrounded by a greenish-white spathe (to 4.5” long). Flowers are born in groups in the leaf axils. Flowers give way to brown-black berries. Plants rarely flower in cultivation. Many cultivars have been developed; some have beautifully variegated foliage flushed with white, cream, silver, pink, or purple.

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Katuk is growing like crazy!!!