Friday, September 22, 2017

Wandering Jew 

Known as Wandering Jew or inch plant, Tradescantia zebrina is an easy and fast-growing plant appreciated for its lovely leaf coloration, which can vary from deep purple to bright green. Its non-fussy nature and colorful foliage make it a great choice for both beginners and more experienced plant lovers.

Tradescantia zebrina are trailing plants that have oval leaves roughly 2 inch long, with an iridescent upper surface and a rich purple underside. Two glistering stripes of silvery green surrounding a medium green central portion run the length of the upper surface of its pointed-oval leaves. They produce clusters of small, three petaled flowers in spring and summer. They are purple-pink coloured.  Flowers rarely appear on indoor plants. Leaf nodes along the stem are purportedly one inch apart, hence the common name.

These are some of our Wandering Jew 

Come and purchase it at our Store

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Katuk is growing like crazy!!!